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2020-04-01 14:20:23 ℃PEP小学英语三年级上册全身反应法教案
1. 教师动作示范,学生边听边观察
Teacher does the actions, for example clap your hands, wave your arms, touch your head, shake your body and so on. Students just listen and watch.
T: Look at me. clap your hands. (Do the action at the same time.) wave your arms. (do the action) …
T: Are you clear? I will do it again. Look carefully.
T : clap your hands. (Do the action at the same time.) wave your arms. (do the action) …
2. 教师动作示范,学生模仿
Teacher does the actions, for example clap your hands, wave your arms, touch your head, shake your body and so on. Students imitate teacher’s actions.
T: Now, please do the actions together with me.
T & Ss: clap your hands. (Say and do the action together.) wave your arms.(Say and do the action together.) . …
T: Now, please boys do the actions together with me.
T & boys: clap your hands. (Say and do the action together.) wave your arms.(Say and do the action together.) . …
T: Now, please do the actions together with me.
T & girls: clap your hands. (Say and do the action together.) wave your arms.(Say and do the action together.) . …
T: OK, you did a good job. Then I will give you the orders, all of you can do the actions.
T: Touch your head.
Ss: … (do the actions: touch your head.)
T & Ss: …
T: Now I want someone come here and do the actions.
T: Touch your head.
Someone: … (do the actions: touch your head.)
T & Someone: …
4. 争做小老师:一个学生发指令,其他学生指认身体部位
T: Who can come here and be the little teacher. Give orders to other students. For example, if you say “Touch your head.”, the other students should touch your head..
Ss: … (One acts as the teacher and gives orders, the other act according to the orders.)
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