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2020-03-11 17:28:58 ℃关于疫情的英文感想
It was a freezing winter when chinese folks are preparing for the Spring Festival.Especially in Wuhan City,citizens are gathering in fairs and supermarkets to do Spring Festival shopping.But an evil creature is attacking them soundlessly.Until December 31st,the the 2019-novel Coronavirus Pneumonia has broken out.
The 2019-novel Coronavirus Pneumonia,as known as SARS-CoV-2,is a kind of RNA virus.As humanbeings,our chromosome is DNA which is double helix structure.So our genetic material is more stable compared with NCP which is single strand.The single strand structure can easily mutate in millions of different structures.Thus,it's difficult to heal for humanbeings.
I've read dozens of reports about the NCP,all of them aim to a result is that the epidemic has developed rapidly.Some of them said
that seniors are infected easily compared with other reports which said all generations can be infected easily.What's more,I've learned that the virus is sensitive to the UV and the Thermal line.The virus can't survive in alcohol,75%.Most patients have symptoms such as coughing,having fever and feeling weak,but few of them have no symptoms which is dangerous to make other people infected.
Today is February 18th,the number of patients who infect the NCP has been decreasing.Needless to say,it's definitely a great news for China.With the development of medical technoloy and the effects of chinese citizens,I do believe the virus will be distroyed in a short time.
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