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2023-04-28 20:30:15 ℃介绍的英语作文1 Goodmorningeveryone: TodayImveryhappytobeheretointroducemyself.MynameisHaoning,Imtenye下面是小编为大家整理的介绍英语作文3篇【通用文档】,供大家参考。
Good morning everyone:
Today I"m very happy to be here to introduce my self.My name is Haoning,I"m ten years old.
I have a happy family,there are three people in my family.My father,mother,and me.myfather and mother love me very much,and I love them too.
In free time.I like to play piano and com*r.And we kmow this year is specil for Chinese people,because the olympic game will be held in Beijing,Chinese people are really proud,happy,and excited.So I learn English very hare in odor to welcome the fringen friends.
This is me,an active boy,hope you like me,thank you.
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