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【简历职位申请符合实际】 简历的职位跟实际职位
2019-11-24 07:34:05 ℃简历职位申请符合实际
Apply for a job for which you are not remotely qualified (申请和自己能力相差过于悬殊的职位)
Many candidates believe the job hunt is a numbers game drop enough resumes, and youre bound to land something. But shotguns are for hunting pheasant, not finding jobs. The reality is that recruiters hate wasting time on resumes from unqualified candidates. Morgan Miller, an executive recruiter at StaffMark, recalls the security guard who applied to be a financial risk manager (maybe Lehman should have hired him), while Scott Ragusa at Winter, Wyman talks of the aerial photographer who sought out a position as a tax specialist.
Sorting through unqualified resumes is frustrating, unproductive and puts an extra burden on staff, says Katherine Swift, Senior Account Director at KCSA Strategic Communications in Natick, Mass. It also makes it much more challenging to find the right candidate. So the next time youre thinking of blasting out resumes to all 60 of the job listings on Monster.com that have the word finance in them , save your time (and that of the recruiters) and only apply for ones for which youre qualified.
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